The amendments arising from the debates of the courts and Prosecutor's Offices as well as the Transparency International Romania amendments which were submitted to the Parliamentary Committee
Download amendments and observations [pdf][RO]
Note: The observations and proposals are in relation to the initiated project and takes into consideration besides the organisation's observations to capitalise on the observations and proposals made by professional associations, courts or prosecutor's offices. Also, part of the amendments below are included in order to support sonme of the amendments already stated by the magistrates.
Observations and amendments to the bill for the Law on the modification and completion of Law no. 304/2004 on judicial organisation
Download amendments and observations [pdf][RO]
Note: The observations and proposals are in relation to the initiated project and takes into consideration besides the organisation's observations to capitalise on the observations and proposals made by professional associations, courts or prosecutor's offices. Also, part of the amendments below are included in order to support sonme of the amendments already stated by the magistrates.
Amendments proposed with regards to the bill for the modification and completion of Law no. 317/2004 on the organisation and functioning of the Superior Council of Magistracy
Downnload amendments and observations [pdf] [RO]