Demand for an upright business conduct and high ethical standards has increased significantly as a result of economic crisis, but both concepts are already part of business vocabulary. Integrity was the most mentioned concept in the mission and values declarations of companies and it is “the most common trait quoted” by business environment.

Research has shown that an ethical behavior from a company in relationship with the stakeholders has the potential to improve competitiveness by creating commune values. The improvement recorded by point of view of the competitiveness of the company is mostly linked to the important position had by a company responsible for consumer confidence and sustainability on long term.

In the business ethics domain, integrity is the most desirable trait to which the business environment aspires. It occupies a central place in many in many declarations of values and ethical codes of some companies and it is a trait that companies are eager to present it to the stakeholders both inside and outside the company. Yet, the integrity is often wrong defined. It is important to be researched all the facets of integrity for understanding why it is fundamental in the everyday business challenges. Furthermore, the integrity is perceived as an essential component in long-term building of successful business relationships. Etymological the word integrity has its roots in the Latin word “integritatem”, which means “totality” or “entirety”. It is the quality to be “an entire” or “uncorrupted”. The integrity could be defined as moral principle. Integrity conceptualization includes also a moral trait. An integral person has developed and adhered to a strict moral code which includes multiple virtues honesty, courage and sincerity. Those moral virtues are very important in human interactions, furthermore, those virtues are acquired and developed through human interactions. The society is dependent on human interactions for satisfying needs by understanding the term “reciprocity”. An integral person will only act with the consistency of his moral values and convictions. An integral person is conscious and regards the society needs when his taking decisions. Qualities such as courage, receptivity, loyalty and compassion allow a person to keep its integrity in the face of social obstacles which can have adverse effects on its living standards.
