Integrity in business environment in Romania. Research on mechanisms for institutionalizing ethics in companies, 2011.

The study named “Integrity in business environment from Romania” was edited by Transparency International-Romania in 2011. The methodology used by the research team supposed the use of questionnaires and making a series of interviews with some of the most important representatives of the business environment in Romania, employed in sectors of activity subject to a high risk of deviating from the rules of integrity. For a better representation were considered 636 local, regional and international companies operating in 74 industries, most of them in private propriety. Management of these economic agents provided information related to about 40 relevant topics for project theme and for this research in particular.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis was seconded by an investigation of company transparency by respecting legal provisions (publication of annual financial activity reports, publishing reports on Corporate Social Responsibility).

This study is a valuable diagnosis for performing the needs analysis of target group and the training guide, later used in writing the training materials. The project manager, the research expert and the CSR specialist of Romanian companies took part in the establishment of the research theme.

The study was presented to the public at the launch conference organized on 19 December 2011, attended by representatives of the press, civil society and companies that have accepted to be part of the board of directors of CIB resources center.

In the same period, specialized experts have worked together to develop a guide named “Practical guide for establishing a constructive dialogue between the nation's representatives and citizens”, position document containing indications on how to build a dialogue to increase integrity and transparency in the relationship between stakeholders.

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