Project aim:
The Study aims to identify and evaluate the perceptions of magistrates regarding their degree of professional independence, as well as the causes and circumstances with negatively or positively influence the independence of justice. This research is the starting point of efficient measures to consolidate magistrates’ independence and level of responsibility, and to eliminate those negative aspects currently manifest within the Romanian justice system.
Project outcomes:
- establish the perceptions of magistrates regarding the independence of the justice system;
- identify the causes and factors that impact and put pressure on the justice system;
- identify progress by comparing the situation based on the study “Perceptions of magistrates regarding the independence of the justice system,” performed by Transparency International Romania in 2006, at the request of the Superior Council of Magistracy;
- suggestions to increase the independence of magistrates in exercising their jurisdictional attributions.
TI Romania’s role in the project:
Transparency International Romania is the main organisation carrying out th9is research, at the request of the Superior Council of Magistracy
54,450 euros
Project donors:
The Superior Council of Magistracy