The project aims at raising awareness among judicial professionals regarding their role in protecting the financial interests of the Union, by developing high profile comparative research activities regarding the application of a specific judicial protection instrument - exclusion from public procurement as an additional sanction provided by the criminal law. The research is conducted in 4 EU Member States: Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Romania.
Implementation period:
2017, January 1st - December 31st
- 4 national analysis reports on judicial practice regarding the application of additional sanction - exclusion from public procurement
- 4 sets of recommendations and/ or good practices resulting from the analysis
- 1 comparative report on the actual judicial practice on regarding the application of additional sanction - exclusion from public procurement and its estimated impact on protecting the financial interests of the Union
- 1 policy paper with recommendations to enhance the role of judiciary in protecting the financial interests of the Union by consolidating its practice and using it as a basis for exclusion systems;
- 1 launching event for the comparative report and the policy paper.
Estimated budget:
61.660 euro
European Commission through the European Union Programme Hercule III (2014-2020).
Launching event on
“The preventive role of judiciary in protecting the financial interest of the EU”
Transparency International Romania in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee are launching the report and policy paper on “The preventive role of judiciary in protecting the financial interest of the European Union”.
The event will take place on Wednesday, 29 November 2017, from 14:00 until 17:00, local time, at the European Economic and Social Committee, room TRE 7701, Trèves Building, 7th floor, 74 rue de Trèves, 1040 Brussels.
The debate will cover the topics:
- Importance of fighting corruption in the private sector in order to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of public investments
- Results of the research and conclusions of the comparative analysis on the actual judicial practice on regarding the application on additional sanction – exclusion from public procurement and its estimated impact on protecting the financial interests of the EU
- Recommendation of the policy paper to enhance the role of judiciary in protecting the financial interests of the Union by consolidating its practice and using it as a basis for exclusion systems
This event is organized as part of a project supported by the European Commission through the European Union Programme Hercule III (2014-2020). The project aims at raising awareness among judicial professionals regarding their role in protecting the financial interests of the Union, by developing high profile comparative research activities regarding the application of a specific judicial protection instrument - exclusion from public procurement as an additional sanction provided by the criminal law.
Working documents - National Reports [arhiva PDF]