The Transparency International movement, both the International Secretariat and the National Chapters, monitor, assess and rank the countries in the world related to their anti-corruption efforts and effectiveness. At the same time we support national authorities in order to design, strengthen and enforce anticorruption measures.

As a result of the monitoring of the anticorruption measure s promoted by the executive during 2009, as well as the electoral programmes proposed by the presidential candidates, Transparency International Romania determined that the sections addressing the fight against corruption do not correspond to the needs of the Romanian citizens and of the country. This situation, similar to last year, perpetuates even though the fight against corruption is a key element to assure both Romania’s competitiveness in the European Union, and the sustainable development of the country from a social point of view, as well as with regards to the protection of the public resources to which citizens contribute by paying taxes.

Victor Alistar, executive director of TI Romania, shows that “protecting the public resources and ensuring that the state institutions function correctly are the guarantees of social wellness, the principle of good governance and public integrity, being essential elements in the use of public resources and capacities for the development of the Romanian society”.

In these circumstances, Transparency International Romania requests the President Elect, as well as the future Cabinet, to promote and adopt with priority coherent and effective measure that would limit the corruption phenomenon and that would lead to the real reforming of the national integrity system. Such measures should approach the corruption issue in a strategic manner and should be focused on impact, based on engaged, structured anticorruption measures.

Consistent with its practice of offering technical support in tackling issues related to the fight against corruption and the consolidation of the national integrity system, TI Romania requests the executive to include in the governing programme a set of measures elaborated to the aim of fixing the existing gaps and reducing the risks to corruption in the public sector, particularly in the vulnerable areas.

The recommendations formulated by Transparency International Romania are structured on five major intervention themes – justice, public administration, public procurement, transparency in the decision making process, and the institutional capacity of anticorruption agencies. These reiterate a series of measures regarding the systemic problems Romania has been facing for a number of years. At the same time, the measures proposed include new recommendations addressing the vulnerabilities identified this year. Transparency international Romania publicly addresses these measures to the President Elect and the future Cabinet.

At the same time, TI Romania also launches the programme “What are you doing with our money?”, through which the engagements of fight against corruption will be monitored. The results of this monitoring activity will be published annually, on December 9th, the International Anticorruption Day.

Transparency International Romania would like to express its confidence to the real engagement of the executive and the political class towards the promotion of integrity as a fundamental principle in the improvement of the governing and political accountability, as well as its support for the achieving of the these objectives.

The Board of Directors, Transparency International Romania

Media contact – Iulia Coşpănaru 021 317 71 70, office @


Data publicare: 09/12/2009