The XXXth edition of the Integrity Summit for Prosperity took place in Galaţi on March 26, 2019.
During the event that took place at "Dunarea de Jos" University were discussed topics such as integrity in Romania, mobilization solutions for integrity and prosperity; academic ethics within the "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati; integrity in the accounting profession and integrity in health.
Mr. Marian V. Popa (Director of Deutsche Bank Global Technology Center Romania); Ms. Georgeta Filip, (Transparency International Romania Public Relations Specialist); Conf. Univ. Dr. Andreea Elena Matic (Lawyer, Bar of Galaţi); Valeriu Laurenţiu Onose (Director of the Expert Accountants and Authorized Accountants of Romania - Galati Branch) and Cristian Sas (President of the Patients' College) were the ones who led the discussions and answered the questions of the participants.
Among the ideas that emerged from the presentation and open dialogue in the summit, we emphasize the importance of a proactive attitude of every citizen in the fight against corruption, since integrity and ethics must start from the individual level to the community one.