Considering that the phenomenon of corruption remains a serious problem in Romania, despite the results reported by the institutions, Transparency International Romania requests that the state budget allocations be provided for the financing of effective measures to prevent corruption and not only to sanction it .
In this context, Transparency International Romania addresses several questions and recommendations to the Government and the Parliament of Romania.
What is the budget allocated for the analysis of corruption vulnerabilities, which is the budget allocated for anti-corruption prevention measures at national level in 2016?
How much is it estimated in 2016 to receive the proceeds from the confiscated sums, respectively from the valorization of the property confiscated as a result of committing the corruption offenses?
These amounts could be an important source of the state budget, including the provision of measures to prevent corruption.
Inclusion in the text of the law of the obligation of the authorizing officers to report quarterly the degree of realization of the investment indicators, correlated with the payment tranches.
Adopt legal provisions to oblige local government representatives to provide for a separate funding line for the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and / or SCIM Standard 1: Ethics, Integrity when approving the draft budget in the council.
Transparency International Romania's request comes as a response to ANTICORRP survey results conducted between July and September 2015. The qualitative analysis of the information highlighted the fact that most participants are aware of the costs of corruption and the direct and indirect consequences, both on a professional and personal level. In addition, it was found that the "disposals" of corruption incidents are not determined solely by individual decisions, but also by social imitation processes. It also notes the negative implications of corruption incidents on institutional performance (maladministration); Working environment and employee interests; Respectively, the final beneficiaries of public services - citizens.
At the same time, the study shows that citizens show great support to fight against corruption, to move from passive to proactive, but such initiatives need to be encouraged and multiplied. The research was carried out by the method of organizing focus groups, involving both witnesses and victims of corruption, selected from different social backgrounds.
Amongst the pillars that can stabilize and which can provide greater exposure to preventing and combating corruption are promoting and multiplying positive examples, including through public / institutional communication, so that citizens can win when they oppose corruption.
In this context, we believe that in the coming period it will be crucial to invest in the development and implementation of effective measures to prevent corruption at national level, to re-institutionalize public institutions and to strengthen public integrity.
For further information, please contact Iulia Coşpănaru, Deputy Director of TI-Romania
Or mail: office @