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completed projects  2003     Print this page
Regional initiative for an integrity-related message
a) Project aim:

This regional project aims to acknowledge the value of efforts made by caricaturists and investigative journalists in promoting a public integrity (anticorruption) message in South-Eastern European countries. The project involves investigative journalists and caricaturists from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The locales of the projects were Busteni and Bucharest, Romania, during Jan-May 2003.

b) Project outcomes

→ a caricature workshop on the theme of corruption
→ a seminar on investigative journalism and reflecting corruption in the region
→ three consecutive caricature shows on corruption: Bucharest, UNESCO, 1 April 2003, Bucharest, Goethe Institute, 14-24 April 2003, Bucharest, Goethe Institute, Seoul, Korea, 21-29 May 2003
→ Publishing the work “An inventory of corrupt practices. A regional mirror.”

c) TI Romania's role in the project

TI Romania was a direct recipient and coordinator of project activities. The following were partners in the project: Media Monitoring Agency – Catavencu Academy, Cartoonist Network Rights - Romania, Goethe Institute Bucharest

d)    Budget:

USD 10,340

e)    Project donors:

Concept Foundation, Transparency International Secretariat.

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