Events - 2016
- 15 september
“Ethics & Success in academic business publishing. Publishing in ISI Journals” Seminar, part of the Integrity for Prosperity Summit - 5 july
Round table event - Integrity Pacts - civil control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds - 15 march
Intergity summit - Arad, march 2016
Events - 2015
- 23 november
Intergity summit - Sibiu, november 2015 - 13 november
Press release - ending of POS CCE Project Măgurele HIGH TECH CLUSTER - 7 october
Integrity summit - Zalau, october 2015 - 3 september
IACC 2015: Ending Impunity: People. Integrity. Action. - 24 march
Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime - European perspectives on combating serious crime - - 16 march
Launching civil mobilization campaign