Press release
The Board of Directors of Transparency International Romania took note of the articles published by the Romanian publication Academia Caţavencu during the last period observing that a series of accusations were conveyed against Mr Victor Alistar. Given the fact that these accusations were brought to him as Executive Director of Transparency International Romania and not as a private individual, the Board takes notice of the press materials, and considers them to be an attack against the transparency movement, and not a personal attack only.
In accordance to the internal transparency procedures, the Senate of Transparency International Romania was summoned and met on June 12, 2008. The Senate ascertained that the accusations brought to Victor Alistar, in his position of Executive Director of TI Romania, refer to:
- the statement of income and assets at the termination of the employment contract between Victor Alistar and the National Agency of Public Servants (NAPS)
- the request of suspension, for a five-years period, of the work relationship between Mr Alistar and the NAPS
- the income source of an amount of 92.000 RON in 2008
- the procurement of a car by Mr. Victor Alistar
Following the analysis of the documents, as well as of the confirmations received from the institutions from which information was requested, the Senate and the Board of Directors of TI Romania noted the following:
With regards to the image or involvement of Transparency International Romania in this media campaign, the Senate notes that it was not a wrong conduct of the Executive Director that launched the press accusations, but precisely the firm position of TI Romania, represented by its Executive Director, in the matter of the integrity issues found at the leadership level of the National Integrity Agency, reported by whistleblowers as well as in the matter of the risks involved by the promotion of insufficiently elaborated legal codes, both issues being of the nature to release such types of reactions that can also affect the image of Transparency International.
Consequently, Transparency International Romania firmly rejects any attempt of intimidation directed to its members and staff and further supports the position of the organisation as well as the position of the position of the organisation’s executive in the fight against corruption in Romania.
Marian V. POPA
Transparency International Romania