Transparency International Romania launches the National Report on the extended confiscation procedure
Bucharest – 25 February 2014
Transparency International Romania launches Thursday, February 27 2014, the National Report on the extended confiscation procedure in Romania. The event will take place from 14:00 P.M. at the Palace of Justice of the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
The report presents an analysis of current confiscation procedures applicable in Romania, being based on the applicable legislation and questionnaires regarding institutional practice and statistics answered by representatives of institutions with competence in the field, magistrates, civil society organizations, representatives of the media and businessmen.
After analyzing the legislation on confiscation proceedings and the replies received, the lack of transparency in the management and recovery of confiscated property and the lack of cooperation between bodies operating confiscation proceedings have been identified as major vulnerabilities affecting the confiscation of illicitly acquired goods or valuables. We have also found that the statistics held by these institutions do not allow the creation of a true and fair view of the situation regarding already made confiscations, most of the information requested being opposed by the fiscal secrecy exception.
In light of the above, the recommendations made in the report target the development and implementation of effective instruments and mechanisms at the level of the organisms with responsibilities in the field of confiscation, the transparent and timely publication of statistics on confiscation by relevant institutions and regular consultations with relevant stakeholders on general and specific issues related to confiscation.
The report is the result of a project conducted in collaboration with Transparency International Bulgaria and Transparency International Italy, which aims mainly at increasing the involvement of civil society in monitoring institutions dealing with confiscation proceedings.