Transparency International Romania invites candidates for the European elections to sign a pledge against corruption
The EU Integrity System Study issued by Transparency International on 24th of April 2014 reveals that the ten EU institutions are exposed to corruption because of incomplete implementation of norms of ethics, transparency and control of public funds. The Special Eurobarometer on corruption 2013 highlights a high perception of corruption in the European system by EU citizens, 70% of whom believe European institutions are affected by corruption. These studies represent a powerful impetus for the European Parliament to represent the interests of EU citizens as faithfully as possible and to take actions to increase transparency and integrity in the fields mentioned above.
In this sense, Transparency International Romania has launched an invitation to the European Parliament election candidates to sign a pledge through which they assume commitment to contribute to establishing the highest possible standards so that the Eu institutions become an example of transparency, accountability and integrity, to promote integrity and transparency of public expenditure and to ensure a solid protection of whistleblowers. The invitation is part of a common initiative by Transparency International EU Office, Transparency International Romania and other Transparency International Chapters and it is developed across the entire European Union.
The signed pledges will be published on the official website of Transparency International Romania, on a special website dedicated to integrity and transparency in the elections, as well as on an international platform dedicated to this initiative – Eventually, throughout their mandate, Transparency International will monitor the manner in which the elected carry out their commitment.
Transparency International Romania urges both candidates of parties and independent candidates to the European Parliament elections to align their intentions to the interests of the citizens and to sign the anti-corruption pledge for their prospective mandates as members of the European Parliament.
For more details, please contact Iulia Coşpănaru at office @