Romania’s situation in 2017
Transparency International is launching today the annual report regarding the global Corruption Perception Index (CPI), through which a ranking of the degree of corruption in the public sector is made, as it is perceived by the business sector and independent experts in the 180 countries analysed.
The highest ranked states perceived as being the less corupted are New Zealand with 98 points from 100, followed by Danmark with 88 points, Finland, Norway and Switzerland each one with 85 points. At a global level, the average score is 43, the same as in 2016. The index is drawn by giving points, from 0 to 100, where 0 means „highly corrupt” and 100 means „very clean”. For each country, between 3 and 16 different sources are used, the methodologies used being reviewed by Transparency International to ensure that the data sources used meet TI`s quality standards.
Romania scores 48 points, as in 2016
Romania preserves the same score, 48 points, as a year ago, and the same rank at EU level, sharing the same rank with Greece. Only two EU member states scoring less points: Hungary (45 points) and Bulgaria (43 points). At EU level, the CPI 2017 average is 66 points, similar to the previous year.
It’s the first time when at the top of the hierarchy scores below 90 points are registered, which reveals a global downward trend in ranking. In this context, the fact that the Corruption Perception Index 2017 calculated for our country is the same can be seen as a slight improvement. In the coming years, we believe that in Romania is a need for a systematic approach on preventing corruption, to empower decision-makers and to involve local communities more strongly.
It is necessary, for the public administration, to emphasize the role of prevention by implementing transparent and effective mechanisms in order to eliminate corruption vulnerabilities, for a greater efficiency in spending public funds and also in order to increas the integrity of public institutions. Taking in consideration that the private sector has a key role in shaping the way society responds to corruption, and that an honest and transparent business environment could contribute to Romania's development, we believe that the private sector requires compliance and integrity mechanisms improvement, in order to ensure economic competitiveness. Key solutions by Transparency International Romania
In this context, Transparency International Romania comes with some key solutions in hand of the governments, the local public administration and the business environment:
- Upgrading the standards of local governance by implementing the Local Integrity System. Such a system could have an important role in strengthening local integrity and implicitly preventing corruption. Local Integrity System addresses all people involved in the development of the local community, from the mayor and local councilors, to business people, non-governmental organizations and citizens.
- Strengthening and developing the ethics and compliance management system at organization level. Identifying and implementing ethical and deontological values to ensure organization performance, good governance and strengthening stakeholder`s confidence in the organization's brand.
All these solutions are in accordance and can contribute to enforce the overall Objective 3 of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016 - 2020: "Enhancing Integrity, Reducing Vulnerabilities and Corruption Risks in Priority Areas and Fields of Activity".
For more information, please contact: Georgeta Filip, Public Relations Specialist, Transparency International Romania, tel: 0722598014; e-mail: georgeta.filip @
More information on the Global and National Perceptions of Corruption Index 2017 are available at