Resolution on the protection of civil society organisations and activists in Romania
Transparency International Chapters in the Europe and Central Asia Region, meeting in Tirana on 12-15 May 2010, acknowledge the crucial role public integrity has for ensuring future sustainable development of society, and express concern at the intimidating actions Chapters and activists are facing from the political authorities, in their promotion of Transparency International’s values and goals.
In the case of Transparency International - Romania, several recent public campaigns on the transparency, integrity and accountability of public officials, government agencies and Parliament have resulted in harassment, threats and abusive investigation of our activists. At the same time, Transparency International - Romania’s programmatic work has been undermined by delayed reimbursement and irregular practices in contract awarding funded from European funds managed by the Romanian authorities.
The signatory Chapters of Transparency International strongly condemn such intolerable practices, and demand the rights of its Romanian Chapter and activists to freedom of speech and association, as set out internationally by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights. Transparency International urges all the governments in Europe and Central Asia to maintain the rule of law and democratic standards, and to protect non-governmental organisations from direct or indirect harassment and attacks, devised or managed by state agencies, in Romania or elsewhere.