· 10TH International Anti-Corruption Conference, Institutional Indicators Conceptual Building Blocks, Prague, 2001
· 11eme Conference Internationale Anti-Corruption,Controle Interne et Culture de L’Ethique dans les Organisations Publiques: Experience Marocaine, Seoul, 28 Mai 2003
· Summary of the 10th IACC Proceedings, Together against Corruption: Designing Strategies, Assessing Impact, Reforming Corrupt Institutions, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-11 October 2001
· 9th International Anti-Corruption Conference, Durban, South Africa, 10-15 October 1999, Global Integrity:2000 and Beyond, Developing Effective Anti-Corruption Strategies in a Changing World, 2 copies
· Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe-6thSession- The Political Integrity of Local and Regional Elected Representatives, Strasbourg, 15-17 June 1999