· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS, The NHS Counter Fraud Charter with Patient Groups, DH, November 2000
· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS, The NHS Counter Fraud Charter with The Association of British Dispensing Opticians, DH, November 2000
· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS, The NHS Counter Fraud Charter with The Royal College of Nursing, DH, July 2000
· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS, DH, October 2000
· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS, DH October 2001
· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS: Protecting Resources for Patients, 1999-2002 Performance Statistics, DH, April 2002
· Department of Health, Countering Fraud in the NHS: the Professional and Ethical Approach, DH, June 2002
· Inter-American Development Bank, Corruption in Health Services, Papers presented at the 10th international Anti-corruption Conference Workshop” Corruption and Health”, Prague, Czech Republic, October 2001, published by the Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., 2002