High school students assuming an integer and dignified lifestyle for their own benefit, their family and community.
Implementation period:
March 2016
Transparency International Romania was involved as a partner on a voluntary basis, in this project developed through the civic partnership for education - CIVITAS. The applicant has been the National College "Ion Neculce", in partnership with seven other high schools in Bucharest
- promoting coherence and convergence of integrity and dignity as moral values, resulting in a prosocial behaviour
- critical thinking, decision-making for an active citizenship
- accountability to self and others, and communication promotion
Activities conducted by TI-Romania:
- Organizing 8 workshops on: Civic participation to promote integrity and dignity in society. The values in practice. Each session included the presentation of the basic knowledge on the topic; video projections; exercises in teams; interactive debates. Participants were students from 8 high schools taking part in the project.
- Development of a guide on civic conduct for students, spread among the target group which consisted of 480 high school students.
Total value of the project:
18.860 lei
The Municipality of Bucharest’s Centre for Projects and Educational and Sports Programs for Children and Youth - PMB PROEDUS