About CIB
Transparency International Romania runs Centre for Integrity in Business (CIB) with the purpose to promote an ethical and healthy business environment.
CIB was created in 2010 in the project “Together for Integrity, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development”, as part of the Transparency International Romania efforts to sustain a transparent and honest business environment which contribute to economic growth and welfare of society, for a country without corruption.
The center offers resources and services dedicated to business environment for reduction the vulnerabilities to corruption, preventing risks and strengthening the trust and reputation of the company.
The vision of TI-Romania starts from the idea that the private sector plays an important role in modeling the way in which society responds to the phenomenon of corruption, whereas that a clean, honest and transparent business environment can contribute decisively at economic growth of Romania. Building integrity in the business environment is a challenge both for companies and for stakeholders. For creating a culture of integrity are needed both-side efforts – it is the only solution to generate economic growth and the healthy development of society.
On this line, Transparency International Romania offers:
- •Organizational analysis and institutional development by implementing the Code of Ethics and Conduct;
- Management consulting for defining and operationalizing ethics and conformity management;
- Employee training services;
- Consultancy services package, judiciary information, implementing whistleblowing system;
- Elaborating and promoting the company anti-corruption policy on its own supply and distribution chain;
- Certificate of integrity.
*The business insertion package benefits from international expertise and the use of Business Integrity Program al Transparency International know-how.
**Companies that go through the insertion program can register with Transparency International Romania Corporate Supporters Forum.
The main services offered to the business environment:
- Technical assistance planning and implementation of compliance and related programs;
- Management of international instruments in business ethics, compliance and integrity;
- Training on integrity and ethics management;
- Advocacy campaigns to improve the regulatory framework, as well as administrative and fiscal procedures;
- The Secretariat of the RESIST program of Transparency International Romania and a networking platform;
- Branding for members of Integrity Pact.
Affiliation to CIB
Affiliation to CIB represents an opportunity for those interested to connect to a national network of collaboration on sectors of activity based on a series of pillars such as:
- Aligning national legislation to international standards;
- Reducing risk by implementing systems of ethics and compliance;
- Identifying and addressing risks in industries most exposed to corruption;
- Generating public policies in the field;
- Engaging as many stakeholders as possible.
The benefits of CIB affiliation
Early knowledge of legislative initiatives and projects regarding ethics and conformity in business environment - with national and international impact.
Participating at events:
Opportunity to participate at events organized by CIB; such as regional round tables; launching studies, debates and other thematic meetings.
Access to member-only resources and other reference tools:
- Employee training in integrity and social responsibility management;
- The possibility to evaluate through a wide range of instruments the organization's compliance efforts.
Involvement in the integrity community
- The social platform allows members to create individual profiles and to connect with colleagues and experts for solving problems regard ethics and conformity.
- Here you will also be able to access a collection of articles and publications, concept papers, maps of risk areas, archives and records of some events already developed.
Integrity Summit for Prosperity
CIB Studies
Transparency International Romania implements Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) for Romania, a project coordinated by Transparency International - Secretary and financed by EBRD.
Recommendations and solutions for implementing standards against corruption in the Romanian Business
The public politic proposal identifies the needs and vulnerabilities of the business environment in Romania and makes recommendations for the public authorities, as well as for citizens and the civic society. It was created inside the “Increasing the role of the judiciary system in preventing corruption in the business environment” project.
The research report formalizes the results of the opinion poll, which represents a component from the project “Increasing the role of the judiciary in preventing corruption in the business environment”, funded by The National Bilateral Relations Fund, the third call, RO01 program - Technical support and Bilateral Fund at National Level - Priority Areas: Justice and Internal Affairs, implemented by Transparency International Romania and Transparency International Norway.
The guide includes topics such as: the analyze of the values which represent the infrastracture of the Romanian business; perceptions and organizational practices; the specific, legislative framework, which can be applied at national level; concepts that can be applied for business integrity; solutions and recomandations for Transparency International Romania.
Transparency in Corporate Reporting (TRAC) analizează 124 de companii din lista Forbes a celor mai mari firme din lume cotate la bursă.
Raportul arată că cele mai mari companii ale lumii nu dezvăluie aproape deloc detalii financiare privind activitățile lor in afara țărilor de origine. 90 din 124 de companii nu dezvăluie taxele pe care le plătesc în țări străine, iar 54 nu pun la dispoziție informații despre câștigurile lor peste hotare.
Promovarea integrității este vitală în combaterea practicilor ilegale și lipsite de etică ce pot apărea în mediul de afaceri de zi cu zi.
Studiul oferă o trecere în revistă a principalelor standarde de conformitate aplicabile, în România, tuturor categoriilor de companii, indiferent de domeniul în care operează și care converg către o conduit integră în afaceri. Studiul se adresează cu precădere ofițerilor de conformitate care doresc fie să pună bazele unui astfel de sistem în companiile pentru care lucrează, fie să îl testeze sau revizuiască pe cel existent.
Volumul de față răspunde la întrebări de genul „ce poate face organizaţia mea ca să fie un lider moral?”. Altfel spus, este despre cum pot întări companiile buna reputaţie pe piaţă şi creşte performanţa prin asumarea poziţiei de lider în materie de etică în afaceri.
Studiul oferă o privire de ansamblu asupra modului în care politicile de integritate și codurile de etică sunt respectate, aplicate de către companiile private din România.
Studiul oferă o privire de ansamblu asupra modului în care politicile de integritate și codurile de etică sunt respectate, aplicate de către companiile private din România.