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Transparency International Romania projects portofolio
Integrity Solutions
Ethics and Conformity Management System (ECMS)
Support and consulting on the Internal Management Control System (IMCS)
Local Integrity System (LIS) -technical assistance program for local public administration
Knowledge and Resources
Studies Justice
Global Corruption Report
National Corruption Report
Judiciary Independence
Public administration and internal procedures
National Integrity Studies (NIS)
Business Integrity and Ethics
Best practice guides
Policy Positions
Corruption Perceptions Index
Global Corruption Barometer
Bribe Payers Index
Integrity Pacts
Centre for Integrity in Business
Advocacy and Legal Assistance Centre
Centre of Expertise in Judiciary
Legal counseling services
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Integrity Summit for Prosperity
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All projects
Transparency International Romania projects portofolio
Introduction and setting up of Integrity Pacts (IPs) in ITI Danube Delta
working projects
Legitimacy and Accountability for better protection of Whistleblowers - LAW
working projects
Conferences on integrity and ethics, dedicated to students from Bacău
working projects
Bolstering Integrity in Public Contracting: A Reinvigorated Approach and Coalition on Integrity Pacts
working projects
Integrity Watch 3.0: Generating Value from Data to Manage Risks and Detect Corruption in Europe
finished projects, 2023
Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment
finished projects, 2023
NIAct - Updating legislation in the field of integrity and providing support to authorities and deponents in the transition to the digital declaration of assets and interests
finished projects, 2023
Tools and Training for Successful Organizations – ILFOV
finished projects, 2023
Integrity Pacts - Civil control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds, Phase 2
finished projects, 2022
Efficient local public administration for citizens
finished projects, 2022
Sustainability. Innovation. Wealth. Social Inclusion. Unity/Cohesion. SIBIU – Strategy 2030
finished projects, 2023
Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) in Romania
finished projects, 2021
Legal counseling services for victims of abuses or irregularities in administration and justice
finished projects, 2020
LINC – increase the central public administration capacity in preventing and identify conflicts of interests, incompatibilities and unjustified wealth
finished projects, 2020
Enhancing the enforcement role of Romanian Courts in state aid matters
2019, finished projects
DISC – Integrated Development of the Quality System
finished projects, 2020
Partnership for ethics and integrity in Buzău Country Council
finished projects, 2020
Let's Say No to Corruption
2019, finished projects
Towards a state-run public administration
2019, finished projects
Performance and efficiency in administration through the implementation of competitive management
2019, finished projects
CETATE. Caransebes, Efficient and Young through Transparent and Economical Administration
2019, finished projects
Centre for Integrity in Business – Dedicated services for private sector
working projects
The preventive role of judiciary in protecting the financial interest of the European Union – a comparative analysis for improved performance
finished projects, 2017
Increasing the role of the judiciary in preventing corruption in the business environment
finished projects, 2016
Impact of Statutes of Limitation in Corruption Cases Affecting EU Financial Interests – A European Comparison
finished projects, 2016
Collective Action for Business Integrity
finished projects, 2016
Gathering Consensus toward an improved legislation on whistleblowing
finished projects, 2016
Regional Approaches to Judicial Dependence
finished projects, 2016
Integrity and human dignity. From the moral values to civic attitudes
finished projects, 2016
Citizen Centre for Anti-Corruption Resources (ALAC)
finished projects, 2016
Anticorruption Policies Revisited: Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption – Working Package 7
finished projects, 2015
Uniti impotriva coruptiei!
finished projects, 2015
Labor Market License
finished projects, 2015
Femei active pentru integritate si responsabilitate
finished projects, 2015
Integrity Pacts - Civil Control Mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds, Phase 1
finished projects, 2015
Dare! Be an entrepreneur!
finished projects, 2015
Enhancing integrity and effectiveness of illegal asset confiscation - european aproaches
finished projects, 2015
Together for integrity, social responsibility and sustainable development
finished projects, 2013
Romanian judges - skills for EU competition law
finished projects, 2013
Social partners and the civil society in promoting the employment and the social inclusion in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region
finished projects, 2012
Promoting Participative Democracy through Advocacy and Legal Aid Centres
finished projects, 2012
Evidence-based Action against Corruption - The European Integrity Systems Project
finished projects, 2012
Countdown to Impuntiy: Corruption-related Statutes of Limitation in the EU
finished projects, 2013
Integrity pacts in local communities in Romania
finished projects, 2011
Implementing the Priorities in the Areas of Human Rights and of the Protection of National Minority Groups in Serbia
finished projects, 2011
Anti-corruption Program for Regional School for Public Administration
finished projects, 2011
Blowing the Whistle Harder: Enhancing the Whistleblower Protection Project
finished projects, 2010
Excellence and Integrity in Public Procurement
finished projects, 2010
Study on the National Integrity System
finished projects, 2011
Integrity and Resistance to Corruption of the Criminal Judicial System in South East European Countries
finished projects, 2010
Independent assistance in the field of ensuring the quality of the public procurement process and contract implementation
finished projects, 2009
Control and prevention of mismanagement of EU money. Training of public servants implementing structural aid programs in Romania
finished projects, 2009
Raising the local civil society’s ability to promote public integrity at the level of the public local administration
finished projects, 2008
Building a national network of local NGOs with the purpose of monitoring the integrity in the use of post-adheration structural funds in Romania
finished projects, 2008
Strengthening the managing capacity of courts regarding the promotion of good practices in the administration of the judicial system
finished projects, 2008
Legal Aid: Assistance to set up an efficient legal aid system EuropeAid/121719/D/SV/RO
finished projects, 2007
The magistrates’ perception of the independence of the judiciary system
finished projects, 2007
National information campaign on the legal and deontological regulations on receiving bribes in a public capacity
finished projects, 2007
The National Anti-Corruption Campaign
finished projects, 2007
Public awareness campaign: Improving the fight against corruption – EuropeAid/122756/D/ SER/RO
finished projects, 2007
Law and transparency
finished projects, 2007
Promoting a good administration and raising the satisfaction of citizens with regards to the public services
finished projects, 2007
International Conference : Prosecutors, Democracy and Rule of law – Reflections over the revision of the status of the Prosecutor in Romania
finished projects, 2007
Enhancing action against money-laundering and corruption in Romania: assisting the National Bureau for Preventing and Combating Money Laundering to improve the legal frame and administrative capacity
finished projects, 2007
Transparent Governance
finished projects, 2007
Study of the audit function in the local public administration in Romania
finished projects, 2007
Improving the level of integrity in local public administration
finished projects, 2007
Integrity in the educational system
finished projects, 2007
Magistrates’ perceptions regarding the independence of the system of justice
finished projects, 2006
Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre
finished projects, 2006
Participation and integrity in local budgets
finished projects, 2006
The Inter-disciplinary approach of the antisocial phenomena with special reference to usury Seminar
finished projects, 2006
Fighting corruption and raising public integrity in the justice system
finished projects, 2006
Strategies and Public Policies to Prevent Corruption Conference
finished projects, 2006
Integrity in education: a study on corruption and ethical principles in high schools
finished projects, 2005
National Campaign against Small Corruption
finished projects, 2005
Whistleblowers protection program
finished projects, 2005
TI Principles in the Business Environment Campaign
finished projects, 2005
Magistrates’ perceptions regarding the independence of the system of justice
finished projects, 2005
Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre
finished projects, 2005
ALAC Implementation Manual
finished projects, 2005
Access to information and transparency in public decision-making: training for public servants
finished projects, 2004
Integrity and transparency in local administration
finished projects, 2004
Participation and integrity in local budgets
finished projects, 2004
Political parties project
finished projects, 2004
Corruption and transparency in municipalities
finished projects, 2003
Concrete measures against corruption
finished projects, 2003
Corruption and transparency in the municipal public administration
finished projects, 2003
Investigative journalisms defending public integrity
finished projects, 2003
Regional initiative for an integrity-related message
finished projects, 2003
National Integrity Systems. The TI Source Book – Romanian translation project
finished projects, 2002
Governmental transparency in the regulation process
finished projects, 2002
Romanian and European Ombudsmen
finished projects, 2002
Responsibility through transparency. Access to public information in Romania and Yugoslavia
finished projects, 2001
Corruption in local public administration. Premises of prevention and combating
finished projects, 2000
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Transparency International Romania Projects
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