The project focuses on advocacy activities targeted at promoting policies for ethics, compliance and integrity in business. The project will disseminate Transparency International tools for business integrity and instruments tailored for the specific needs of business in Romania
Implementation period:
April – September 2016
- The aim is to build collective action groups to support the practical implementation of these tools and policies as well as other long-term solutions against corruption.
- Organising 4 local forums to promote ethical change and transparency in business practices
- Disseminating materials on business integrity and prevention of corruption to local stakeholders
- Promoting best-practices for preventing corruption
- Setting up four local contact points for the business integrity network
- 160 persons informed on practical aspects of promoting integrity in business
- Set of informative materials disseminated to 160 persons
- Awareness campaign on business integrity
- 4 local business integrity groups
Total value of the project:
17.720 euros
This initiative is part of a project led by the Transparency International Secretariat with funding from the Siemens Integrity Initiative