Whistleblowing defines disclosure of information about irregularities; corrupt, illegal, fraudulent and dangerous activities committed by public or private organizations.
The persons that notifies major irregularities with which they are confronted in the professional environment, plays an important role in building an honest society and a healthy business environment.
Whistleblowers are exposed to some major risks - it takes a lot of courage to disclosure the fraud and power abuses.
Transparency International Romania comes to help the whistleblowers and the companies that want to create mechanisms through which the irregularities can be safe signaled, thus preventing the risks of corruption.
Whistleblowing: reporting of irregularities in the workplace in the public sphere
Ways to protect the whistleblowers
The role of the disciplinary commissions
Events: Workshops – Whistleblowing
Protection of whistleblowers in the private sphere
Protection of people who report corruption
General principles of Transparency International to protect whistleblowers
International Legislation and recommendations for protecting whistleblowers
Workshops – Whistleblowing
Advocacy and Legal Advice
Get involved, report corruption!
ALAC - Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre
Protection of people who report corruption
Whistleblowing principles in EU
ALAC Romania contribution to change.