• Raising the capacity of victims of corruption deeds to solve their complaints through legal and administrative measures. Supporting victims and witnesses of corruption to express themselves and find solutions to their complaints Publish specific data, information and cases of corruption in 6 EU Member States and to analyze the trends Engaging citizens in the fight against corruption Producing systemic changes in policy and practice
  • Proiectul îşi propune să promoveze suţii şi instrumente, precum şi modele de bună practică aplicate în mediul de afaceri din Norvegia, care au drept efect reducerea vulnerabilităților la corupție, întărirea capacității companiilor de a evita acordarea de plăți de facilitare și situațiile în care pot fi șantajate. Proiectul are ca obiectiv creșterea rolului sistemului judiciar în prevenirea corupției în mediul de afaceri. Proiectul își propune să realizeze o rețea de persoane și companii care înțeleg riscurile la care se expun și sancțiunile de care sunt pasibile pentru corupție sau concurență neloială și care aplică aceleași valori și standarde de integritate în plan profesional, astfel încât să le faciliteze colaborarea și să devină la rândul lor modele de integritate și conformitate pentru alte companii cu care interacționează în mediul de afaceri.
  • High school students assuming an integer and dignified lifestyle for their own benefit, their family and community.
  • Promoting a more effective application of laws and standards around the world and reducing impunity for corrupt acts.Developing a study showing how UN principles are interpreted in various international and regional conventions regarding the judiciary.
  • The aim of the project is to encourage whistleblowing through raising people’s awareness of whistleblowing legislation and instruments. Learn from the public sector experience and develop and pilot a dedicated solution for whistleblower protection in the private sector that relies on the general legal framework and the internal regulations mandatory to be adopted by the companies. Encourage the disclosure of wrongdoings and the identification of the vulnerabilities that led to it, in order to allow companies to close them and secure their profit and reputation
  • Raising awareness and informing governments, the judiciary, legal practitioners and academics in selected Member States as well as EU institutions on the impact of the statutes of limitations on EU financial interests. A legal comparative research on the impact of the statutes of limitations on corruption cases affecting EU funds in Italy and other selected member states.
  • The project focuses on advocacy activities targeted at promoting policies for ethics, compliance and integrity in business. The project will disseminate Transparency International tools for business integrity and instruments tailored for the specific needs of business in Romania. The aim is to build collective action groups to support the practical implementation of these tools and policies as well as other long-term solutions against corruption.