• Implemented in partnership with TI Hungary and TI Bulgaria, the project aims to draw attention to the importance of transparent and responsible policy-making, as well as to assist local politicians lead a more transparent public life.
  • This regional project aims to acknowledge the value of efforts made by caricaturists and investigative journalists in promoting a public integrity (anticorruption) message in South-Eastern European countries. The project involves investigative journalists and caricaturists from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The locales of the projects were Busteni and Bucharest, Romania, during Jan-May 2003.
  • Scopul principal al proiectului este de a imbunatati calitatea jurnalismului de investigatie din presa localã româneascâ.
  • The main objective of this project was to challenge the Romanian political parties to build concrete anticorruption policies and to engage in putting them in practice.
  • The main objective of this Project was to contribute to the improvement of transparency standards at the level of municipalities in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria through assisting local governments to ensure a transparent public life.