Aim of the Project:
The project entitled "Evidence-based Action against Corruption - The European Integrity Systems Project" represents a combination of comprehensive research and active stakeholder engagement to, in a first step, assess the performance of the anti-corruption systems in 23 EU member states (including Romania), which leads, in a second step, to the development and implementation of targeted advocacy initiatives on the identified gaps in the anti-corruption system at national and at EU levels. The primary focus of the project is to combat the prevalence of corruption in the EU, and thereby reducing the incidence of economic and financial crime.
In its regional dimension, the project will identify (and build support for tackling) anti-corruption issues of regional concern, which the EU and national governments should take action on. Due to its multi-level and evidence-based approach, the project is able to mitigate primary corruption risks as one of the most important forms of financial and economic crime across the EU in a holistic, systematic and sustainable manner.
Primary Objectives:
- To improve the understanding of the performance of existing anti-corruption mechanisms in 23 EU member states as part of the essential framework of preventing financial and economic crime.
- To mitigate primary corruption risks through evidence-based advocacy, including policy reform, public education and other relevant activities.
Key Activities:
- Assessment of national anti-corruption systems in 23 EU member states, using consultative, evidence-based and hoslistic approach
- 23 Multi-stakeholder National Integrity Workshops to discuss results, identify key recommendations and build coalitions for follow-up activities
- Publication of 23 national integrity reports and over 80 policy papers
- Publication & launch of regional comparative report highlighting corruption risks of regional and EU concern
- Regional round-tables to share findings and identify regional priorities
- More than 100 national and regional-level advocacy events based on key recommendations identified
Expected Results:
- strengths & weaknesses of anti-corruption system in target countries identified
- understanding of corruption risks by relevant stakeholders improved
- key advocacy initiatives on anti-corruption implemented in target countries
- regional priorities for anti-corruption identified and advocated for
- national and regional civil society movement against corruption strengthened
This project will be implemented by the TI Secretariat, along with the TI national chapters from the 23 implementing countries:
- TI Belgium
- TI Bulgaria
- TI Czech Republic
- TI Denmark
- TI Estonia
- TI Finland
- TI France
- TI Germany
- TI Greece
- TI Hungary
- TI Ireland
- TI Italy
- TI Latvia
- TI Lithuania
- TI Netherlands
- IPA Poland
- ICS Portugal
- TI Romania
- TI Slovakia
- TI Slovenia
- TI Spain
- TI Sweden
Total budget of the project:
€ 2.586.626,85
European Commission (1.810.638,8 €)