The general objective of the project is developing the capacity of the private sector, civil society organizations, and social partners to work together with the aim of supporting the sustainable development and the adaptation of the corporate environment to the EU standards, through the promotion of an ethical and social responsible entrepreneurship.
Implementation period:
January 2011 – January 2014
Project coordinated by Transparency International Romania in partnership with: GDSI Ireland
Softwin Romania
- Promoting and implementing the concept of social responsibility and integrity within the business environment and the social dialogue between the key stakeholders as premises for common initiatives in the area of sustainable development, employment and social inclusion.
- Enhancing the capacity and expertise of the relevant stakeholders from the labour market to adapt to the European and international standards regarding the sustainable development and the social and civic responsibility.
- Developing the capacity of the local, regional, and national actors to participate at the social dialogue regarding the policies, strategies and priorities on socio-economic cohesion, with the aim to promote good governance and public-private partnership for employment and social inclusion.
- Organization and project management – detailed planning and calendar of the activities in order to achieve the objectives and results; monitoring and evaluation of the project; technical and financial reporting, procurement of the necessary resources.
- Studies and research – the studies will have a national approach and will cover topics regarding the business environment and the social dialogue (regulations, existing ethical standards, social responsibility initiatives, the degree of participation to the social dialogue, comparative analysis of the law and regulations regarding the lasting development in Romania and other EU member states, impact study on the introduction of the codes of conduct in Romanian companies etc.). The results of the studies will be used within the awareness campaign, in identifying the training needs of the business environment, social partners, and civil society, and also in establishing the main areas of interest for further common advocacy initiatives.
- Awareness campaign and promotional events – this activity shall promote both the objectives and activities of the project, and the elaboration and simultaneous implementation of an awareness campaign to take place at national level. The national awareness campaign will be used for promoting the concepts of integrity and social responsibility within business environment.
- Development and implementation of the training sessions having the theme: "Social Responsibility and Integrity for Sustainable Development" – the training sessions will address the personnel of social partners, of regional pacts for employment and social inclusion members, the personnel employed in civil society organizations. Likewise, the training session will address the personnel of professional associations, of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, of SME associations and of business men associations. The programme will rely on blended learning techniques, involving both face to face training and e-learning.
- Building of the integrity and responsibility network – developing the integrity pacts, adoption of a set of measures and way for increasing the interest of employees regarding the concept of social responsibility and regarding the investment into developing human resources and guaranteeing sustainable growth.
- Monitoring and evaluation methodology
- Reports
- Audit
- 6 studies and researches
- Awareness strategy and plan
- Promotion strategy and plan
- 16 Promotion events
- Website
- 2000 Posters
- 20000 flyers
- Video/audio spots
- Training course
- E-learning platform
- 30 on-line trainings
- 30 face-to-face trainings
- 600 participants
- 3 working groups
- 5 integrity pacts
- Resource centre
- 10 public debates
- 200 participants
8.116.619 RON
European Social Fund, The Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013