Project title: LINC - increase the central public administration capacity in preventing and identify conflicts of interests, incompatibilities and unjustified wealth, MySmis code 118824 / project code SIPOCA451
Beneficiary: National Integrity Agency implements the project in partnership with Transparency International Romania I Asociaţia Română pentru Transparenţă.
Project’s main objective: improving the activity of identification, sanctioning and prevention cases of incompatibilities, conflicts of interests and unjustified wealth at the level of the central public administration authorities and the Parliament.
Specific objectives:
- Increasing the role of ethics counselor and of control bodies from public administration in preventing and identification the integrity incidents, by developing and adoption some specific procedures for these during the project. It is also aimed to increase the correlative capacity of National Integrity Agency;
- Developing the preventing and combating violations of the law staff knowledge regarding integrity at the level of central public administration, by training 205 people during the project;
- Intensifying dialogue on Parliament's role in promoting integrity and formulating some proposals for measures in this line during the project;
- Increasing ANI’s efficiency in carrying out their own activities for unitary applying of norms, mechanisms and procedures in ethics and integrity domain by authorities and public institutions – by increasing the capacity of 40 inspectors during the project.
Aimed results:
- Unitary, elaborated and adopted procedures at ethics counselors and control bodies from public administration levels regarding cooperation with ANI and identifying conflicts of interests, incompatibilities and unjustified wealth clues;
- Improvement the knowledge of monitoring and control staff from central public administration authorities regarding integrity;
- The Parliament role in conflicts of interests and incompatibilities cases – clarified in accord with GRECO recommendation;
- Increased capacity and high level of efficiency in ANI activity.
Project’s total budget:
3.689.575,25 lei, from which the co-funding value assured by European Union and national funding is 3.325.961,20 lei.
Implementing period:
30 July 2018 – 30 January 2020
Co-funded project from European Social Fund, by Operational Capacity Administrative Program 2014 – 2020.
Co-funded project from European Social Fund, by Operational Capacity Administrative Program 2014 – 2020