Project title: “Integrated Development of the Quality System” MySMIS code 119593/ SIPOCA code 467
Financer: This project is co-funded from European Social Fund by Operational Capacity Administrative Program, Second Priority Axis – Public administration and judiciary system accessible and transparent, 2.1. Operation - Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration for optimizing the processes targeted to the beneficiaries according to SCAP (Strategy for public administration consolidation 2014 – 2020).
Project partners: Botoșani City Hall, Transparency International România I Asociaţia Română pentru Transparenţă
Project’s total budget: 414, 468.11 lei, from which EU co-funding is 349.239,24 lei.
Implementation period: 16 months.
General objective: Developing a Performance and Quality of Management System unitary and efficient by standardizing working processes, developing a documents management innovative informatics system, SR EN ISO 9001 recertification and UAT Botoșani Municipality staff trained in order to strengthen the performance management and optimize the beneficiary-oriented processes.
Specific objectives:
- Standardizing the work processes at UAT Botoșani Municipality level, assuring their efficiency and correlation between the performance and quality management system and the internal managerial control system, as well as SR EN ISO 9001 recertification, with the purpose to optimize the processes targeted to the beneficiary according to SCAP and consolidation of institutional capacity of UAT Botoșani Municipality.
- Implementation of a documents and processes management innovative informatics system at UAT Botoșani Municipality level, in order to consolidation and development of Quality and Performance Management System, necessary for quality growth and public services accessibility.
- Improvement of knowledge and abilities of 150 people form UAT Botoșani Municipality staff regarding continue implementation, respecting and updating of quality management standards, through classical professional training sessions and e-learning, networking actions and exchange of best practices, in order to support the measures and OS2.1 actions and project actions for optimizing the processes targeted to the beneficiary.
Funded activities:
Activity 1: Project management;
Activity 2: Information and advertising about the project;
Activity 3: Organizing good practices searching actions and networking in order to update the performance and quality management system;
Activity 4: Implementing an integrated and efficient quality and performance management system based on CAF evaluation results;
Activity 5: Developing an integrated informatics system of documents management
Activity 6: Developing the knowledge and abilities of staff, including also the decision makers
Activity 7: Elaborating a manual on the tools created within the project
- One published study of good practices in public administration quality management domain;
- Four workshops on best practices, organized for definition and implementing of quality standards.
- One work visit and good practices exchange organized in Bucharest at Sector 2 City Hall.
- One good practices study edited and published in 300 copies
- One unitary performance and quality management system implemented
- SR EN ISO 9001 recertification obtained
- One integrated informatics system documents management developed and implemented (electronic registrar with multiple entry / recording points, internal e-learning platform)
- 60 persons certified at the end of the courses
- Maximum 100 people which follow online courses
- One manual regarding created tools within the project elaborated, printed and disseminated
Transparency International Romania