Project title: Partnership for ethics and integrity in Buzău Country Council, SIPOCA code 428/SMIS2014+: 118396
Financier: Co-funded project from European Social Fund, by Operational Capacity Administrative Program 2014 – 2020.
Partners in project: UAT Buzău County in partnership with Transparency International Romania I Asociaţia Română pentru Transparenţă
Total value: 388.139,44 lei, from which the value of co-funding by EU is 326.851,75 lei.
Implementation period: July 2018 – November 2019
Starting date: 31 July 2018
General objective: Administrative capacity consolidation of CJ Buzău to increase the integrity and to reduce the vulnerabilities in front of corruption, by developing and implementing an integrity system which includes ethics and integrity standards, policies and procedures, as well as an anticorruption educational program, contributing in this way to the development of an efficient local administration.
Specific objectives:
- Elaborating and applying unitary of an set of standards of ethics and integrity, together with the related operational policies and procedures, which facilitates applying of the legal framework in the field of ethics and integrity, contributing as well to the implementation in CJ Buzău of anticorruption measures regulated in the national legislation and monitored by SNA.
- Developing a collaborative platform in institution, know-how innovative tool in this process of adapting and applying of new standards, which functions for the benefit of the staff and CJ Buzau as a whole.
- Increasing the level of anticorruption education of the Target group, by organizing a program with this purpose which will include six trainings in ethics and integrity, as well as one seminary about good practices in ethics, integrity and corruption prevention
Funded activities:
- Elaboration of operational policies and procedures
- Evaluating the existing situation in the field of ethics and integrity at the institution level
- Organizing collaborative seminars with participants from the Target Group
- Defining standards of ethics and integrity and elaborating an implementation methodology of these
- Elaboration of a good practices guide regarding combating corruption in the institution
- Implementing integrity system in the institution
- Projection and implementing of an collaborative informatics system
- Establish the structure and objectives of the anticorruption education program
- Organizing and development of the trainings regarding ethics and integrity within the pale of public institutions
- Unitary applying of norms, mechanisms and procedures regarding ethics and integrity in public institutions and authorities
- One set of ethics and integrity standards with politics and procedures elaborated
- One methodology of ethics and integrity standards implementation elaborated
- One guide of good practices regarding fight corruption in institution elaborated and spread
- One collaborative platform developed and implemented
- High level in implementing measures about assessment indicators in public authorities and institutions and prevention of corruption
- One decision for adopting operational procedures adopted al CJ Buzău level
- Increasing the knowledge and skills of public institutions and authorities staff regarding corruption prevention
- 120 people from CJ Buzău certified in ethics and integrity, but also in corruption prevention at the end of courses
- One seminary organized with UATs representatives on ethics and integrity themes, and also about corruption prevention, starting from the Best Practices Guide on Combating Corruption within the Public Institution.