Implementation period:
2018, January - 2019, November
The project is coordinated by Transparency International Romania in partnership with The Romanian Magistrates Association (AMR).
The project scope is to enhance the Romanian courts capacity to ensure a coherent and consistent application of the European competition rules, with a special focus on state aid, in the context of its modernization exercise.
To this end, the project aims at delivering tailored trainings to national judges, as well as at improving cooperation between Romanian judges, and Romanian and other EU judges, with a view to foster a common judicial culture in competition law.
Main activities:
- Stakeholders mapping. Multi-stakeholders analysis.
- Selection of participants on training sessions.
- Development of training materials.
- Training delivery.
- Raising general awareness on state aid.
- Organizing an international colloquy.
- Best practice models sourcebook.
- Map of stakeholders, available in Romanian.
- 100 participants to trainings selected.
- 1 Curricula applicable for this training proramme and other training progammes in the future, available in Romanian.
- Training methodology and supporting materials and handouts, available in Romanian (applicable for this training prgramme and other training progammes in the future)
- Training calendar adapted to the specificities of the Romanian judicial calendar and final agenda of trainigs.
- 5 training sessions with 20 participants per training, prepared and delivered in a timely and effective manner.
- Report on the conclusions of the training session, available in Romanian and English.
- Permanently updated section of electronic platform, in Romanian and English.
- 1 debate forum for relevant stakeholders, in Romanian and English (e-community of practice).
- Large collection of relevant Romanian and EU jurisprudence (database).
- EU & Romanian legislation database, available in Romanian and English.
- 4 newsletters on relevant legislative evolutions and case law materials resulted in the project available in electronic form, available in Romanian and English.
- 43 participants to the colloquy (20 participants to the training+10 representatives of relevant institutions+1 representative from DG Competition+12 other EU member states national judges).
- • 1 follow-up report of colloquy proceedings, available in Romanian and English.
- A best practice models sourcebook on the practice of state aid law in Romania (Romanian and English versions).
- Enhanced capacity of 100 judges participating in trainings to rule on competition files, specifically in the field of state aid.
- Enhanced capacity of 57 participants to the colloquy to deal with competition issues, including to decide, rule or prepare a case concerning state aid brought in front of a court.
Total value of the project:
96,640.00 EURO
European Commission, Directorate General for Competition