Project aim and locale:

  • transfer of expertise from European to Romanian ombudsman in the field of defending citizens’ right to access public information;
  • making Romanian public opinion aware of the efforts a European institution makes so as to increase transparency and openness.


  • a research focusing on jurisprudence cases solved by the European Ombudsman in regard to access to public information;
  • establish relations with the European Ombudsman and organize exchanges: a visit of 2-3 Romanian Ombudsmen to the European Ombudsman and the other way around, so as to discuss cases in which the citizens right to access public information needed to be defended;
  • organize round tables on the occasion of the European Ombudsman’s visit, presenting relevant cases and particularities of the European institution. Participants in the roundtables: Romanian Ombudsman representatives, members of the European Commission Delegation, Public Information Ministry representatives, journalists, representatives of NGOs. These roundtables resulted in a document outlining the modalities in which the Ombudsman can defend citizens’ right to access public information;
  • editing and publishing promotional materials used to raise public awareness on the role of the Ombudsman in defending the citizens’ right to access public information, according to the European model;
  • organize public campaigns combining dissemination of printed promotional materials with a mass media campaign;
  • a conference to evaluate the project and plan a follow-up, with the participation of the European Ombudsman, the European Commission Delegation, USAID and other potential strategic donors, nongovernmental activists and representatives of organizations from different parts of Romania who assumed the task to distribute promotional materials throughout the country.


USD 35,000