Project title: Introduction and setting up of Integrity Pacts (IPs) in ITI Danube Delta
Beneficiary: Transparency International Romania
Project general objective: Raise the level of transparency and accountability by managing the irregularities and corruption risks through the involvement of civil society in the monitoring of the ITI project selected for the pilot Integrity Pact.
Specific objectives:
- Building the needed trust for inter-institutional cooperation in the preparation and implementation of a flagship/strategic/high importance project for the overall development of the Danube Delta territory funded by European funds through the ITI Danube Delta instrument;
- Ensuring transparency of public procurement and contracts within the ITI Danube Delta through the actions of the civil society independent monitor within the IP;
- Increasing accountability for project results and the ITI and, therefore, increasing citizen trust in by engaging the affected communities and civil society to monitor integrity in public investments within the ITI Danube Delta.
Aimed results:
An Integrity Pact signed and assumed and a detailed memorandum of cooperation with the Managing Authority/Authorities, Intermediate Bodies and the contracting authority;
IP monitoring reports on the project relevance for affected communities and alignment with the general public interest on preparation of the procurement on integrity in tendering;
At least 25.000 citizens informed using digital, printed and radio communication channels; 9 community meetings and public debates organized.
Period of implementation: July 2023 – June 2026
Budget: 200.000 €
Project manager contact:
Donor: European Union through European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy