Project aim:
Raising the capacity of identifying, preventing and reporting about infringements of law on the protection of EU financial interests at the level of public servants in Romanian agencies administering EU funds.
Implementation period:
September 2008 – February 2009
Project outcomes:
- 100 Romanian public servants trained in identifying the corruption in the administration of the European funds;
- 100 Romanian public servants technical assisted by TI-Ro’s trainers and experts;
- The first training package on “How to protect EU financial interests guide” for Romanian public servants administering EU funds;
- 1 final workshop;
TI-Ro’s role in the project:
- Implementation of a series of training sessions aimed at raising administrative capacity of protecting EU financial interests at the level of the public servants active in the Romanian agencies administering EU funds through 3 types of tools: conflict of interests and impartiality issues, monitoring expenditure and disimbursement of EU funds contracted by Romanian beneficiary entities, and protection of whistleblowers;
- Technical assistance in the process of monitoring the infringements of laws on EU financial interests;
- Editing the “How to protect EU financial interests guide”;
- Organizing a final workshop with the purpose of informing and raising awareness upon OLAF’s activity and upon the legislation regarding the protection of the EU financial interests;
- Advocacy efforts with a focus on amending the upcoming National Anticorruption Strategy and Action-Plan 2008-2010 as to facilitate enforcement of EU and domestic norms on effective and honest administration of EU resources.
€ 46 700
European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) through the Hercules II programme