The project aims to improve the civil society’s capacity to collaborate with the representatives of the private sector and the public sector, in order to promote business integrity in Romania.
Through the proposed approach, which combines diagnosis with collective action, the project will put together the main stakeholders from the private sector, the public sector and civil society, in order to identify the best solutions that should reduce corruption and also to contribute to the promotion of integrity in the business environment.
Main objectives:
Identifying the major gaps regarding the integrity in the business environment in the country;
Framing and analyzing the problem of integrity in business, from Romania’s perspective;
Evaluating the way in which the private sector, the public sector and civil society share the responsibility of countering corruption in the country;
Increasing the trust between the stakeholders, in order to collaborate for reform and to generate common actions;
Engaging the relevant stakeholders in a collective action initiative focused on business integrity;
Elaborating an agenda of reforms designed to contribute to the improvement of the honest business environment from Romania, agenda that will be approved and supported by the stakeholders.
There is also in view an increase in the awareness level about the status offered to those that run honest businesses and promote integrity in business.
The project comes with a standard, a reference level to which further progresses in the business integrity area in Romania will refer to.
The project will be implemented in two phases:
Phase 1: BICA assessment report , that will give the necessary information from the thematic areas with major impact for the business integrity, but also key recommendations in order to improve existing situation;
Phase 2: The Reform Agenda, that means the recommendations made in Phase 1 are turned into concrete steps of public reform to be implemented on medium and long term by the vested interests.
Implementation period: January 2019 – May 2021
Project partners: In Romania, the project is implemented by Transparency International Romania. The project is coordinated by Transparency International - Secretariat, located in Berlin.
Value of the project: 123.580 euro
Financer: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.