Goal of the project:
The goal of the project is to improve the capacity of the Member States of the EU to identify and prevent the risks of corruption, in all the different phases of the procurement process, particularly focusing on EU funds.
Implementation period:
January – June 2010
Transparency International – Secretariat
Transparency International – Belgium
Transparency International – Bulgaria
Transparency International – Czech Republic
Transparency International – Hungary
Transparency International – Italy
Transparency International – Lithuania
Transparency International – Slovakia
Transparency International – Slovenia
Results of the projects:
- 75 civil servants trained in the area of public procurement and the administration of European funds during 3 training sessions.
- One training package regarding the integrity in public procurement
The Role of the organisation:
- Preparing/developing the institutional capacity of the TI chapters in order to improve their understanding on public procurement. Beside the exchange of experience regarding similar trainings implemented by TI – Secretariat and TI – Romania during former projects financed by OLAF, one workshop will be held in Bruxelles in order to prepare the implementation of the training sessions.
- Caring out the training sessions. Session trainings in all the states involved are provided within the project, TI – Romania organising a number of 3 such trainings. They will be initiated after a needs assessment analysis, followed by adapting the global training curricula and the toolkit addressed to the vulnerabilities of the public procurement process to the national context. Also, the courses are conceived so that a transnational dimension will be given to training, with trainers from other Member States of the EU taking part.
Total cost of the project:
242.119 EUR
OLAF (through the Hercules II program)