Goal of the project:
The goal of the project is to offer support for the implementation of the standards regarding human rights ant the protection of the minorities in Serbia, and to help with their conformation to EU standards by:

  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of the authorities at a local and national level by promoting good governance, including a clear legal framework and institutional support for the protection of human and minorities rights
  • Raising their capacity to coordinate, monitor, implement and evaluate the grade of protection that is given to human rights and to the minorities in Serbia, as they are derived from their quality as members of the UN and the European Council

Implementation period:
December 2009 – Mai 2011

GDSI Ireland (Leader Corporation)
Cooperation Ireland

Results of the project:

  • Operational Advisory Groups and Steering Committee
  • The projects visibility strategy
  • Strengthening the planning capacity
  • Initiation report
  • A comparative analysis of the models that are in place in other countries and best practices in the field
  • A model for proposals to change the current legislation or for new regulations
  • Technical assistance for MHRM
  • At least 4 round tables and workshops for each area of intervention
  • A national conference on the mechanism to prevent torture in Serbia
  • Study visits for 40 representatives of the MHRM
  • An analysis of the legal and institutional framework for identifying the problems and the weaknesses in the current practice
  • Sustainable model for monitoring human rights
  • A set of specific indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Law regarding discrimination prevention that is going to be developed
  • Round tables on the proposed model for monitoring and cooperation
  • Manual for the protection of human and minorities rights dedicated to the experience in Serbia
  • National conference regarding human and minorities rights
  • Trainings programs at a local level for the representatives of the authorities responsible for the protection of minorities rights
  • Trainings for the representatives of the National Minorities Councils
  • A handbook for the implementation of minorities rights in the in local communities (translated in the 7 languages of minorities)
  • A media campaign at a national level (Serbia)

The role of the organisation:
TI Romania will be involved in all the activities of the project, with a stress on the components of legislative harmonisation, advocacy, creation and development of public policies, organising activities for raising the institutional capacity (including round tables, and workshops), designing and implementing the media campaign.

The stages of the project are:

  • Initiation period and organising the operational framework
  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Human and Minorities Rights (MHMR) and the line ministries in order to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the standards regarding human and minorities rights
  • Monitoring the operational standards system regarding human and minorities rights that have been developed
  • Raising the capacity of the local National Minorities Councils and Cabinets to implement the standards regarding minorities rights
  • Awareness campaigns on key aspects regarding the protection of human and minorities rights

Total cost of the project:
1.179.000 EUR (Corporation)

The European Commission, Europe Aid