Raising the capacity of the Romanian legal system to apply European policies in competition law
Implementation period:
September 2011 – September 2013
The project is coordinated by Transparency International Romania (TI-Ro), in partnership with:
Romanian Magistrates Association (AMR)
- Raising the capacity of the Romanian legal system to apply European policies in competition law
- improvement of the professional capacity of the Romanian magistrates in the field of competition law
- dentification of the European and national best practices in competition law
- identification of the magistrates needs in competition law field and the mechanisms of cooperation between the courts of justice with the other involved relevant subjects in regulating European and national competition law
- needs analysis of all important actors involved in the process of applying European competition law (quantitative and qualitative research)
- minimum 50 de questionnaires disseminated to the relevant national courts
- minimum 20 de questionnaires disseminated to the stakeholders
- focus-group for a complete and correct identification of the magistrates needs in competition law
- needs analysis report
- training methodology and supporting materials and handouts
- 3 training sessions with 20 participants per training, prepared and delivered in a timely and effective manner
- establishing an electronic platform dedicated to the projects activity and materials
- 1 workshop with 25 participants (10 participants to the training+10 representatives of relevant institutions+1 representative from DG Competition+4 other EU member states national judges)
- Final needs analysis report
- training methodology and supporting materials and handouts
- 3 training sessions
- 60 trainees-magistrates selected
- permanently updated electronic platform
- 4 permanent newsletters per year on relevant legislative evolutions and case law
- large collection of relevant Romanian and EU jurisprudence (database providing a minimum of 50 relevant judgments applying largely, but not exclusively, Articles 101 and 102)
- final materials developed during the implementation of the project
- 1 handbook on the enforcement of EU competition law in Romania (Romanian and English versions)
- 300 hard copy Handbooks disseminated to relevant institutions and available in electronic format on the dedicated platform
- a constantly self-updated electronic version of the handbook
Total value of the project:
79.910,00 EURO
European Union, European Commission - Directorate General for Competition