Project title: Performance and efficiency in administration through the implementation of competitive management. My SMIS code: 119560.
Project partners: City Hall of Aiud and Romanian Association for Transparency/ Transparency International Romania.
Implementation period: June 2018 – October 2019
Start date of project: 14 June 2018
Main objective:
- Implement an integrated and efficient quality and performance management system, through CAF self-assessment; standardizing work processes; ISO:9001 recertification and developing staff skills within UAT City Hall of Aiud, with the purpose to optimize the processes orientated towards beneficiaries, in accord with SCAP.
Specific objectives:
- OS 1. Developing an integrated and efficient quality and performance management system in UAT of Aiud City Hall by applying the CAF self-assessment tool, developing a tool for monitoring the use of quality management and obtaining ISO:9001 recertification.
- OS 2. Organizing actions to identify good practices and networking between local public institutions with similar attributions, with the purpose to introduce commune systems and standards in public administration, in accord with OS 2.1, and implicitly in order to promote good practices in the quality management domain, for optimizing the processes orientated towards beneficiaries.
- OS 3. Developing the knowledge and skills of 30 people from City Hall of Aiud staff, by participating at training courses on specific themes, such as quality management and performance management, to support measures and actions from OS 2.1 and from project to optimize processes orientated towards beneficiaries.
- CAF assessment and implementation at UAT of Aiud City Hall;
- Elaborating of a tool for monitoring the use of quality management;
- Updating and implementing the requirements of the ISO9001 standard and obtaining recertification;
- Exchange of experience and networking with public authorities / institutions with similar attributions;
- Developing the knowledge and skills of people from City Hall of Aiud staff on specific topics of interest;
- Developing a good practice report on the tools created within the project;
- Informing and publicity campaign.
- A unitary quality and performance management system implemented at UAT of City Hall of Aiud;
- Obtaining ISO:9001 recertification;
- Organize a working visit to exchange experience and networking;
- Developing a good practice report on the tools created within the project;
- Elaborating a report with the results of the CAF assessment;
- 300 Good Practice Report printed exemplaries regarding the tools created within the project;
- 200 Good Practice Report exemplaries regarding the tools created within the project disseminated in electronic format.
- The total value of the project is 399,348.53 lei, from which the value of EU co-funding is 391,361.52 lei.
Co-funded project by European Structural Fund, from Operational Capacity Administrative Program.