What’s at stake?

Either comprising only judges, or both judges, prosecutors and other officials, judiciary is perceived in most of the countries as the last remedy to inequalities, human rights violations and abuses against the most vulnerable.
But when judicial independence hides political interests or corruption, it ruins people`s lives and      undermines democracy and rule of law.
To ensure a fair adjudication of each and every case, judiciary has to be independent, accountable and act with integrity.


Our approach

Corruption undermines justice and ruins lives in many parts of the world. However, we believe that  engaging a diverse spectrum of actors – judicial practitioners, decision makers, international donors, civil society, the business community and regular citizens – to demand an independent and honest judiciary, we can break this vicious circle.

To build functioning judiciaries that can effectively limit the devastating impact of corruption a change of attitude and practice is needed. To achieve a sense of achievability and urgency:

  • We make new evidence and solutions available by facilitating the mapping, analysing and      reporting of systemic failures that compromise the integrity, independence and accountability of the judiciary. This enhanced knowledge and new evidence will enable the proposal and adoption of concrete solutions that strengthen the integrity, independence and accountability of the judiciary.
  • We encourage donors and other international stakeholders to allocate financial and technical aid to justice sector reforms.
  • We support national governments, policy makers, key stakeholders within the judicial     sector and relevant oversight agencies to adopt, monitor and enforce anti-corruption laws, standards and procedures
  • We “translating” findings that can at first appear technical and complicated – making them    accessible to the public and a wider range of stakeholders.
  • We mobilize civil society organizations such as TI in representing their society’s interest by both acting as a watchdog and engaging as a ‘critical friend’.
  • We provide citizens with the adequate channels to hold the judiciary accountable for delivering justice and for sanctioning the corrupt.
