Transparency International Romania and Griffiths School of Management, with the support of the Rotary Club, organized the Prosperity Integrity Summit on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 in Timisoara. The event is part of the nationwide promotion of integrity as a key element of success in the development of the public and private environment, being the three edition of the Summit after the ones held in Bucharest and Bistrita.

The event in Timisoara was attended by outstanding personalities from business and academia. The invitees presented the concepts and values underlying a successful business, and later in the general debate, those present in the room debated topics related to how entrepreneurial development can be achieved on ethical and moral grounds. Here are some of the most important ideas outlined in the Integrity Summit for Prosperity.

Marian Popa

The P.resident of Transparency International Romania.

"It is worth being upright! It's more profitable for each of us! Our conviction is that we need to make associations between NGOs, firms, academia and other structures. Together, incredible things can be done. Animate the same thought, we can make the perfect song."

Radu Marinescu
Group Manager Endava

"Here is the question of integrity: behind the" two lei "PR, in fact the fracture of integrity in our country is growing. The industry of a city can not be performing better than the best university in the region."

Emanuel Țundrea

Lecturer - Emanuel University & Member - European Leadership Forum Steering Committee.

"If you were invisible, would you still be moral? He lives so that in the evening when you come home and look in the mirror, the one who looks at you back does not call you a "villain." Look at how much private and public life breaks apart, and one of the primary sources of integrity is this fracture."

Victor Alistar
Executive Director Transparency International Romania

“We believe in transparency, in accountability! Responsibility is an attitude, and we keep it together with solidarity, courage, justice and democracy. We have managed to implement over 40 public policy projects and normative acts. Transparency International has managed to develop over 100 anticorruption guides and studies for citizens, business people and other structures. We have managed to reach over 10 million citizens and we will not stop here."

Sebastian Văduva
Dean of Griffiths School of Management

"I believe that the Integrity Summit is a way that together, those who believe in excellence and integrity, can meet and debate topical themes. This is a way we can make a statement of personal integrity and in our business life. The third edition shows that those who have heard about the Summit have been receptive and feel the same, feel and go in the same direction of integrity by excellence. As a practical model I will propose the concept of frugal innovation. In essence, it means to produce In one part of the world and selling in another - it is interesting that those who tried to apply this method have been successful. Certainly at the other editions of the Summit we will enter into the retail of these successful stories that show us that we can be prosperous without compromise."

Data publicare: 23/04/2015