International Day of the Right to Know
28th of September 2010
10:00 - 14:00
Bd. Nicolae Balcescu 21, 2nd floor, Bucharest
Transparency International Romania and the Romanian Magistrates Association organize on the occasion of the International Right of the Day a debate on free access to information, viewed from the perspective of a sensitive public space: justice.
The choice is based on two arguments. On the one hand, the judiciary must be subject to the transparency regime established by law, making information available to the public from its sphere of activity, but part of it often falls into situations exempt from free access. On the other hand, the last period has shown us that "tele-justice", often done in the name of the right to know, may harm the assurance of a fair trial or the legitimate interest of the parties. The purpose of the event will be to discuss how to meet the requirements of transparency and accountability in administering the right to know in court.
The International Right to Know Day is celebrated worldwide on September 28, 2010 bringing its eighth international celebration. The goal of Right to Know Day is to attract worldwide attention to the right of every individual to have access to public information.