Today, November 27, 2013, four Pacts for Integrity and Transparency for the academia, civil society, SMEs and the health sector have been taken. The pact was agreed at working meetings held during 2013 and assumed today by more than 60 representatives of various sectors during the first day of the international conference Integrity in Business: Key for sustainable and long-term prosperity, organized by Transparency International Romania.

The large number of signatories to the Integrity Pact is proof that in these sectors of Romanian society a critical mass of actors has been reached for which the need for integrity has become stringent and for which it has come to demand normality.

Integrity can not, however, thrive in isolation: it must grow at the same time in all areas of activity in order to generate both greater integrity, accountability and accountability in its own sectors as well as in society as a whole.

The values ​​and principles that brought together the four sectors in this joint initiative and which their members have undertaken to promote both within their own structures and their partners refer to: INTEGRITY - all the activities of the signatories will be ethically , at no time in the position of compromising his reputation by committing immoral or unworthy acts.

RESPONSIBILITY - Signatories will be concerned about the consequences of their activities, making every effort to anticipate them and limit their negative effects and assuming those negative consequences that could not be avoided.

TRANSPARENCY - Signatories will be open to the public, on their own initiative or on request, to access all non-confidential information about their work.

CONFORMITY - the entire activity of the signatories will be carried out in strict compliance with the provisions of the Romanian and European legislative framework.

PROACTIVITY - Signatories will actively promote the principles of the Integrity Pact, assuming their role as moral leaders in their field of activity.

RESPECT - the attitude of the signatories towards the other entities in the integrity pact will be one of collegiality, and with regard to all the other actors with whom they come in contact, as well as the general public, will be considered and good faith.

RECIPROCITY - Partners will do their best to ensure that their partners and collaborators share similar ethical principles

The Pact represents an honest social contract between capital and social-cultural values ​​through which the signatories assume the mission to contribute to the creation of a culture of integrity and transparency by re-establishing and consolidating the system of values ​​and principles at the level of the Romanian society. Today's signatories are invited to join everyone for whom these values ​​are important.

The following two days of the Conference will address issues related to the integrity of the business environment and will be traced live on the conference website: For more details about the event, please visit

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Data publicare: 27/11/2013