„A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both.”James MadisonTransparency International Romania requires maximum transparency as well as due diligence in finding all the answers required by law and society... -
Ahead of the elections for the European Parliament, Transparency International EU Office, along with Transparency International Romania and other Transparency International Chapters of EU member states, launched a joint initiative across Europe which addresses candidates to the European Parliament... -
To: Mining WatchTo the attention of: Mr. Dan Mercea – PresidentDear Mr. Mercea,We were surprised to receive the request of the entity you represent, a request that seeks rather to label and insinuate than to answer some questions that might otherwise be legitimate. We would be extremely pleased to... -
The Commission considered the views of Transparency International Romania presented during the consultationsTransparency International Romania welcomes the report on Romania's progress under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism published today by the European Commission and appreciates that... -
Marţi 10 decembrie 2013, membrii Camerei Deputaţilor a României au votat pentru a fi cetăţeni cu drepturi „mai egale” decât restul cetăţenilor, într-un demers fără precedent în România post-decembristă care sfidează norme elementare de bun simţ, valorile democraţiei şi regulile statului de drept....