23 iunie - Ziua Avertizorilor de Integritate

23rd of June is a day dedicated to the persons the have the courage to take attitude and to disclose corruption acts.

In Romania, the whistleblowers’ role is little known and promoted. Law 571/2004, applicable only to the public sector, establishes protection measures for the public servants working in public institutions or companies that disclose irregularities at their office.

By Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons reporting infringements of Union law, approved in October 2019, the protection of whistleblowers becomes mandatory in both the public and private sectors.

In the Directive, the whistleblower is defined as a natural person who publicly reports or discloses information on infringements obtained in the context of his or her professional activities.

The document also provides the obligation to establish internal reporting channels. "Member States shall ensure that private and public sector legal entities establish channels and procedures for internal reporting and subsequent action, after consulting the social partners and in agreement with them," Article 8 of the EU Directive provides. The full document can be read here:

Romania has two years to transpose the directive at national level, therefore serious debates are needed for Law no. 571/2004 to be in accordance with the provisions of the EU Directive.


Data publicare: 23/06/2020