Press Release

Date: December 8, 2023


Conference for Presenting the Results of the Project

Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment


Transparency International Romania organized on December 7, 2023, the conference for presenting the results of "Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment project. The event took place online, through the Zoom platform.

Representatives from the "St. Prophet Elijah Tesviteanul" association in Aiud, the Union of Education "Spiru Haret" Mureș, the "One Step Forward Alexandra" association, the Caritas Alba Iulia association, etc., confirmed their presence at the conference.

Among the results obtained within the project, we mention:

A local consultation mechanism called the Consultative Group for Local Development (CDL) developed within the project and implemented in partnership with the Aiud City Hall.

A minimum of 80 representatives of NGOs and social partners certified at the end of the training sessions.

Two procedures for interaction between NGOs and local public authorities, elaborated.

A guide as a tool for monitoring and independent evaluation of policies and strategies at the local level.

For more information about the "Sustainable Local Development through Dialogue and Commitment project, SIPOCA 947/MySMIS 151484, please visit our website or contact us at the email address:

The total value of the project is: 424,197.11 lei, of which 415,713.18 lei are total non-refundable funds.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020!


Data publicare: 08/12/2023