Transparency International Romania
January 23rd, 2020
Recommendations and solutions for Romania
In more than two-thirds of the countries, including many of the world's most advanced economies, anti-corruption efforts have stalled or stepped back, according to the 2019 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) report, launched globally today by Transparency International.
Although some progress has been made, most countries fail to effectively fight corruption in the public sector. Only 59 countries out of a total of 180 obtained more than 50 points, the global average being 43 points.
The ranking is made by awarding points, from 0 to 100, in which 0 means "very corrupt" and 100 "not corrupt". The Corruption Perception Index reflects the perception that the business environment has of the corruption existing in the public sector.
Romania remains well below the European Union average
Regarding the European Union, there are not observed significant changes, compared to last year. The average drops from 66 to 64 points and in the top three remain the same states: Denmark (87 points, down one point from 2018), Finland (86 points, one point up from 2018) and Sweden (85 points, as in 2018).
With a score of 44 points, Romania is on the second to last place at EU level, on a par with Hungary and one point higher than Bulgaria (43), ranked last.
Compared to 2018, our country is down three points, reaching the same score as in 2012! The graph below shows how Romania's score has changed over the last 10 years, as well as a comparison with the aforementioned states. Also, Poland, with its 58 points gained in 2019, returns to the same score as in 2012.
Transparency International Romania recommendations
Transparency International's analysis shows that the lack of integrity at the political level contributes to maintaining the high level of corruption. In order to reduce corruption and restore confidence in politics, TI makes a series of recommendations, applicable including at the Romanian level:
- Strengthening the independence of the control and balance systems from the political factor, as well as promoting the separation of powers in the state;
- Development of mechanisms that reject any preferential treatment in the allocation of resources and the provision of public services;
- Control measures on political finances, to prevent excessive influence in politics;
- Measures to manage conflicts of interest, so as to reduce the risk of unjustified influence in the elaboration of public policies, as well as the application of clear rules on the ”revolving doors”;
- Strengthening integrity in electoral processes, preventing and sanctioning misinformation campaigns - essential measures by which citizens can understand that they can use their vote to punish corrupt politicians.
At the same time, Transparency International recommends that governments involve civil society in monitoring and exposing corruption, including by ensuring better protection for whistleblowers and journalists.
Solutions proposed for Romania
Consistent with the principles and role of think thank assumed at national level, Transparency International Romania comes with solutions that could contribute to reducing corruption in the public sector.
Restoring confidence in the business environment, by proposing a reform agenda that promotes integrity standards in the private sector. Such a project, in which representatives from the business environment, the public sector and non-governmental organizations work together to promote a business environment based on integrity, must become a national priority.
Improving the capacity of public institutions to apply integrity mechanisms, by modernizing the standards of good local governance, on a model developed by TI and successfully applied in other European states.
Establishment of the National Conformity Registry, public utility tool, proposed by our organization in order to increase the administrative transparency and to help reduce vulnerabilities to corruption and abusive administrative controls.
In addition, Transparency International Romania reiterates that the success of the fight against corruption is directly linked to strong and stable institutions. We need strong independent institutions, responsible leaders and citizens involved in the life of the local community.
For more information please contact: Georgeta Filip, public relations specialist Transparency International Romania, phone: 0722598014, e-mail:
Data and statistics on the Corruption Perception Index 2019 at global and national level are available on the website
Transparency International Romania has 20 year of activity in the non-governmental sector, period during which it also contributed to the establishment of public institutions, such as The National Integrity Agency and National Anti-corruption Division, has developed public policies and standards of ethics and integrity in the public sector and business environment. We are consistent with the principles that guide us in our work: integrity, impartiality, responsibility, professionalism.