Transparency International Romania continues the series of conferences promoting integrity as a key element of success in the development of public and private environments. Representatives of the local business sector, the public sector, as well as students from the Faculty of Legal Sciences and Economics, Constanta met on Thursday, November 24, 2016, at the Spiru Haret University Hall in Constanta, at a new edition of the Integrity Summit for Prosperity.
The regional conference was a good opportunity to discuss anti-corruption policies in the Romanian business environment and in society as a whole, with special attention being paid to the role the judiciary can play in preventing corruption in the business environment.The regional conference is part of the project "Increasing the role of the judiciary in corruption prevention in the business environment", financed by the BILATERAL RELATIONS FUND. We present some of the most important ideas outlined in the Integrity Summit for Prosperity.
Conf. Univ. Dr. Victor Alistar, Executive Director of Transparency International Romania
"When I have no noble goals in business, I'm an inducible person. Integrity means to base our decisions and actions on values that allow the development of all people. "
Marian V. Popa, Director of Deutsche Bank Global Technology Center Romania
"Changing a society lasts and we have to deal with it even if the change occurs long after we are gone. [...] I do not advocate for moral integrity. I do advocacy from a material point of view. An estimate shows that Romania is stealing 10 billion euros per year! "
Conf. Univ. Dr. Dan Botica, Emanuel University of Oradea
"The word integrity comes from Latin from the integer that means full, complete. That's why integrity is a value that not only affects workplace relationships, but also the relationship between people.
Daniel Sîrbu, Manager of the Radio Territorial Studio of Constanta from SRR
Discussing integrity and transparency in the media, Daniel Sârbu says: "The prints are gone, the radio does not have the same penetration rate of a few years ago, and when it comes to TV, you open the TV with your ideas and you convinced it of the ideas other. "