2015 meant for Romania a year with many challenges in the fight against corruption - with considerable progress in sanctioning it, but also with irreparable tragedies produced by indifference. Also globally, concerns about the fight against corruption have grown sharply, and corruption scandals have been published throughout the year in countries all over the globe, which have generated the reaction of citizens.
On January 27, 2016, Transparency International publishes the results of the most widely known and comprehensive global corruption perception tool - the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), thus translating all of these concerns into figures.
Corruption Perceptions Index is a global aggred index of up to 12 different sources that captures the perceptions of businessmen and country experts about the level of corruption in the public sector. The IPC was first developed in 1995, with Romania being included in this study since 1997.
For World Rankings for Romania, this year's comparison with previous years, but also what solutions Transparency International Romania proposes to improve Romania's Perception Index, we invite you to watch our media channels on Wednesday, January 27, starting at 6 o'clock.