Results of the NIAct Project
In December, the project "NIAct - Updating legislation in the field of integrity and providing support to authorities and declarants in transitioning to digital asset and interest declaration" comes to an end.
As a partner, Transparency International Romania participated in the implementation of this project together with the National Integrity Agency, the project beneficiary, and the Ministry of Justice, also a project partner.
The NIAct project was carried out from February 22, 2022, to December 22, 2023, and co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020.
The overall objective of the NIAct project was to inventory all legislative acts and update the legal framework in the field of integrity, focusing on incompatibilities, conflicts of interest, unjustified assets, and the system of asset and interest declaration, based on the needs of stakeholders, substantiated by analyses and sociological research.
Within the NIAct project, an extensive analysis of the legislative framework in the field of integrity was conducted by reflecting both best practices and inconsistencies, ambiguities, and omissions that reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of the Romanian integrity system, and by reviewing the international recommendations received by Romania within cooperation mechanisms: CVM, GRECO, the Venice Commission and UNCAC.
The proposed legislative amendments aim to update the integrity legal framework regarding conflicts of interest, incompatibilities and asset declaration. Additionally, awareness campaigns on integrity were conducted, with the development of four video spots and ten tutorials.
Throughout the project, training sessions were organized, attended by over 300 individuals responsible for managing the process of completing and electronically submitting asset and interest declarations. The project team reached all eight development regions, providing participants with useful information about electronic submission of asset and interest declarations, case studies, and challenges encountered by users of the e-DAI platform.
Project co-funded by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Programme for Administrative Capacity 2014-2020.