Between 03rd and 4th December 2018 took place at Botoșani four thematic workshops with relevant staff from the institution. The workshops took place through the project DISC - Integrated Development of the Quality System.
Eugenia Petrescu (administration policies consultant) and Cristian Cocoșatu (quality management consultant) participated in the workshops as Transparency International Romania representatives.
The main subjects discussed were the characteristics of Quality Management System (QMS), the benefits of implementing the QMS tool at institutional level and the category of processes included by the QMS, in conformity with SR EN ISO 9001:2015. It was also analyzed the organizational context and it was presented a demo process of applying a quality management tool. The debate had also a practical component, consisting in filling by the participants a Risk Register, after identifying, evaluating the potential risks and finding hypothetical solutions to these.
At the same time, sustainable development - the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development, environmental issues and the topic of climate change - was an important topic in all four workshops.